Meghalaya Power Distribution Corporation Limited distribution network extends through enchanting mountainous areas.
Corporate Identification Number (CIN) : U40101ML2009SGC008394Sl. No. | Name of Director | Designation | Qualification Details | Date of Appointment |
1 | Shri Sanjay Goyal | Chairman-cum-Managing Director | IAS Cadre | 30.09.2022 |
2 | Shri Ramakrishna Chitturi | Director (Finance) | IAS Cadre | 16.08.2022 |
3 | Shri Richard Yanthan | Director (Corporate Affairs) | IAS Cadre | 07.02.2025 |
4 | Shri A.F.G. Momin | Director (Distribution) | Degree Engineer | 10.10.2024 |
5 | Shri Leadingson Mangsang Sangma | Independent Director | Retired as Special Secretary (Law), Government of Meghalaya | 15.12.2020 |